Nome: Danielle Brandao
Idade: não informado
Escolaridade: superior incompleto
Tempo de aprendizagem: não informado

French was the language I chose to learn since I was adolescent. I studied french from 11 till 23 years old. My first contact with the english language occuried in FALE. I never studied English before. The beginning was hard, because the course was not made for novices, and I felt shy among people that knew the language a lot. 
I had lots of problems with my grades and I thought it was impossible to learn that language. But after some time I realized that I was already able to underst some speaches and that I could read some texts, but I felt unconfortable when I was supposed to speak.
I had few time to dedicate to the studies, and my development was supported by the daily contact with the language, in classroom.
I think I improved a lot my language skills, but I know that I need more. 

when i started studying at FALE, I had no knowledge about the english language. I think communicative approach is largely applyed at FALE, and I think that the use of this method made me able to understand and learn the english language. Teachers are allways stimulating the students to communicate and to express themselves.