Idade: não informado
Escolaridade: não informado
Tempo de aprendizagem: não informado

Before starting to study at FALE, I have already studied at UNA where I graduated in International Business. During that time, I studied English with a teacher that I can say that she didn´t know anything about communicative approach. She was kind of rude with us and she thought that she was the best, that she never commited a mistake; she was the center of the class. She did not motivate us and her activities were mainly to study grammar points. 
On the other hand, before studying Business, I had studied in two or three private schools, during at about ten years where I can say that I´ve learnt almost everything that I know about English. The teachers were great and they tried to motivate us as much as possible. The teachers taught us to interpret the social meaning of the choice of linguistic varieties and to use language with the appropriate social meaning for the different communication situations. They also used to teach us to understand some aspects of a culture ( people´s beliefs and values) and the main purpose of their classes was to give us the competence to be able to communicate effectively in English and not the only purpose to have a grammatical competence. I can say that the teachers taught us not only some linguistics aspects ( as vocabulary, grammar, phonology and orthography, but also some pragmatic aspects as interactional skills and cultual framework. I can say that the teachers have followed the the stages of learning (listening, speaking, reading and writing.)
At FALE I didn´t have English classes as in the beginning of my course I took the “supletivo” and I was free from the English classes ( I only had to take the Literature classes which ones I loved so much).