Nome: Daniela Cristina Felismino
Idade: 24
Escolaridade: superior incompleto - Letras
Tempo de aprendizagem: 07 anos
My first experience in learning English was pretty much the same as my colleges who studied in public schools. The exercises were based on copy, memorize and research about the grammar. The teachers used to plan all classes according to the book adopted for all the school which contained only structural exercises. Sometimes the teacher made some listening exercises with songs (always fill the gap) but in most cases were songs that that students didn’t know or a stile we didn’t like.
When I was 16 years old I started to study English in a free course and it was very stimulant because since then I’ve never stopped to study English.
My first teacher in this free course was a native speaker from United States who had came to Brazil a few time before. Since he didn’t know Portuguese very well the students started to be very interested in learning English in order to communicate with the teacher who didn’t understand the meaning of many words in our language.
The book adopted by the free course was also based on the communicative approach since it had the situations and we had to “play” roles in order to learn the language.
Also we had other interesting exercises. One of them was to chat in the internet with a foreign person. To do so we had the teacher in the keyboard typing to this person what the students wanted to say to him.
I’ve studied in this course until I’ve started to study to Vestibular Test and I think it helped me with the test and also inside “Faculdade de Letras” with the language classes.