1. Yahoo Groups will be our learning environment and it can be used either as a discussion group ( you get the messages in your mailbox) or as a forum (you read the messages on the web). You can also choose the daily digest format and get all the messages of the day organized into a single file.
2. Our address is:
3. Other useful addresses are:
Subscribe: Unsubscribe: List owner: 4. Students are required to read and reply messages at least twice a week.
5. The assignments as detailed in our syllabus, will be divided into individual and collaborative tasks each week.
6.Attendance will be registered according to your weekly participation (2 for tasks+2 for interaction along the week). Allowed absences: 14. Each student is responsible for his or her absence control. Please do not ask you teacher to do that. Just check your attendance in our discussion group.
7. In case of ilnesss, students must follow the university rules. No excuses for absences will be considered, so do not ask for any special treatment. If you have problems with your own computer, you can use our labs.
8.Individual tasks should be sent no later than Wednesday, except on the first week when students will be introducing themselves. Late tasks will not be considered.
9. Attached files must be avoided in order to avoid virus.