Name: Alfredo Luiz Nunes Menezes






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Oxente, such stuff, English, is so useful to us as Artistic, Civic,

 and Moral Education…



Back in the earlier 80`s I was at a public school in a small town in the northeastern part of the state of Bahia. It’s named Cícero Dantas. As we hadn’t had any English in the primary level, the English was presented to us as soon as we were in the first year of the college, when I was around 12 years old. Nobody could guess how such matter would help us later in our life.





- Minha mãe disse que inglês é fácil: é só trocar o –ão por –íon= ação – acion.

-Ah ,ta. A minha me ensinou umas frases: Dio come te ammo.

                                                                                  - Eu vou fugir daqui agora...

                                                                                  - I love you...



And the teacher didn’t know English at all                                   

  - Acho melhor falar em português mesmo, ? Assim todo mundo tira 10.

                       - Oooba!

Well the English teacher at that time didn’t speak English at all, and besides teaching English he used to be the teacher of sports; anyway he is a very nice guy and I think he did the best he could. I remember some of his mistakes: he explained that the difference between the pronoun possessive and reflexive, my and mine, was due the gender, the first masculine and the least feminine.


The unbearable lightness of learning


But nobody at that place and at that time was very concerned about leaning a foreign language, the word globalization hadn’t been invented yet. So we used to make some class works such as collect pictures of clothes, parts of the body, animals, and making some kind of album, naming the pictures. I believe that my first experiences in English, regardless the lack of professionalism and theoretical basis, were worth a lot because they were informal  and provided the kids very positive feedback.

                - Vamos fazer um trabalho: vocês vão recortar revistas e colar no caderno. Qualquer coisa serve. O trabalho é colocar o nome em inglês vale 1000 pontos e vocês me entregam no final do semestre.


Voucher     - Meu Deus, não vamos conseguir passar é muito difícil, tamos perdidos...



The first use of dictionariesI think it was the best acquisition of that year.



                         But, after a long period of suffering we got our task done:



     BIKE         DOG           BOOK           SOCKS      BUS             LEG          FISH           JACA



            After that, I moved to Aracaju city, the capital of the state of Sergipe, with my family and I started my high school (second degree) and at that time, in public system in Sergipe, in the first year of the high school, students used to learn French; in the second and third years we had English. Those who intended to continue to study French got a scholarship at the Alliance Française and could miss the English classes in the other years. Wasn’t it interesting? Actually, I don’t know if today it is this way anymore.


I confess I was very divided at the second year because I liked French and now I know that what I really liked are different languages themselves, the different approach to the world they give us, so French or English were interesting to equally. But English language has a great advantage: it is our lingua franca nowadays and everybody is told to learn it to get a better life. I don’t know if it is like that, but…


But I know what led me to learn English: it was what some people call anglo-saxon cultural domination and its good and bad deeds in our mass culture. Who doesn’t watch some cartoons or series made in America? From
Looney Tunes Intro Music
ouviror Sesame street ouvir (it is for us, mature people).


Above all, I love music and those music, films, cartoons, images of those countries made me interested in comprehend English language and the culture of those dominant countries, such US and Great-Britain. The overwhelming tide of American films (in English, of course) was another challenge to me. Listen to this part of Pulp Fiction, the film. ouvir     Listen to this other hallmark of the 20th century is “Gone with the wind…” and its famous part Frankly my Dear  ouvirEverything said in English. How can we resist?



During my two years of English at the High School I tried some private English schools, but they are very boring with old fashioned teaching approaches, as well the High School itself, the type of       “ Sit down…”  or “the book is on the table” . The exercise we were supposed to do seemed nonsense and tiring at all .  Of course I gave up those classes in the first month. .


But something happened: the TVE had a program called “Aprenda Inglês com Música” and I started following its presentations. The presenter was Marcia Kriegel, I guess, and the music was the very pop music at the time, including Madonna, Beatles and Carly Simons etc . 


And I‘ll always remember the day and the music that opened up my eyes to the fact that I REALLY COULD UNDERSTAND this language, despite the classes on the schools that were very less effective.



It was a very camp music, by Barry Manilow (he looks like Cauby Peixoto) and the name was “Ready to take a Chance Again”,    ouvir  here comes the lyrics:


You remind me, I live in a shell
Safe from the past and doing okay
But not very well
No jolts, no surprises,
No crisis arises my life goes along as it should
Its all very nice but not very good

And I'm ready to take the chance again
Ready to put my love on the line
With you...
Been living with nothing to show for it
You get what you get when you go for it
And I'm ready to take a chance again with you

When she left me, in all my despair
I just held on, my hopes were all gone
Then I found you there

And I'm ready to take the chance again
Ready to put my love on the line
With you
Been living with nothing to show for it
You get what you get when you go for it
And I'm ready to take a chance again,
Ready to put my love on the line
With you
Been living with nothing to show for it
You get what you get when you go for it
And I'm ready to take a chance again
Ready to take a chance again, with you.....
With you


It was very fun because watching the program, the English rules and its words made sense, on the contrary, in the classroom it didn’t. I still remember the phrases of it, like “No crisis arises my life goes along as it should … and at the time I found myself singing it and they are complete sentence that made me think about the language and its rules, because these rules had a superb explanation from the program presenter who seems to have an entire domain in the matter.

* By the way mates, if you want to see any lyrics, I have discovered a very interesting site:, in which you can find almost any lyrics, in Portuguese or English.


 letras acimaSo, I started my real approach to English. I was delighted by the awareness that I was able to read, to listen the radio, to ask something, to sing or to write, IN ENGLISH.




In 1987 started my Laws course and in 1991, I graduated in it. In this same year I enlisted myself in the vestibular to study Letras at UFSe. But I moved from the city and started another job, here in BH, so I postponed my dream of formally to study English until 2000, when I started my UFMG course, which I hope I can conclude this semester.


I said formally, because between 1992 and 1999 I studied English with some private teacher and some of them were very nice and helped me a lot to improve my knowledge of the language.


  Well, of course my learning process doesn’t finish along with my graduation.  

   I feel I’m just in the middle of this process and it is getting more and more amazing, and good surprises happen all the time, just like this course via internet, in which I have learned so much with Professor Vera Menezes and my cybermates, and the endless resource the net has to help us.


 The learning process never ends and we must be aware to catch the best of the moment such a TV program or the net, where we can fin sites with listening materials, reading materials, and complete English courses…So it can make a difference in my learning process.


So, bye for the moment…