26 years old

English Teacher



Hi There!

I would never imagine to have my English Learning Story published on the internet and the idea of having it published on the wide world web really excites me because it is going to be very interesting to share my experiences with my cyber mates and other people and people will see the difficulties and challenges we go through when we want to learn a different language but my message for all the ones who really want to learn a second language is NEVER GIVE UP. For the people who already teach English I think it is going to be a very good idea to ask the students to visit these homepages just for them to have one idea of how the English learning process goes. My English learning story is going to be very long but I think also very interesting and it is going to have a lot of developments until the final version because I remind of the details little by little.



My upbringing…


I come from a very poor and simple family.  Most of my relatives did not finish primary school so that learning a foreign language would be something very distant from my reality. My mother was a single mother and she had to take care of and support my grandmother and me. It was very difficult for her because she did not make too much to give us the better she wanted to give us but she always tried to do her best and she had big dreams for me because she did not want me to have the same conditions she had. She did not want me to be a loser. Despite having all bad conditions for making a living my mother always paid a private school for me. Her brothers and sisters always criticized her because they said that people like them were never able to attend private schools. I went to Instituto Maria Montessori.

Colégio Montessori


Instituto Maria Montessori was by that time the best private school in town and only rich people could afford it. There I had contact with students who seemed to be from a completely different world and I noticed that I was going to have a hard time but I wanted to be part of that world anyway. My classmates had all they wanted, took a lot of classes outside school such as English classes, swimming classes, volleyball classes and etc… They would always go to their family ranches every weekend and I never had anything interesting to do on my weekends or to say about it. I grew up in this environment, which seemed so far away from me but at least I had the desire to achieve that world.


My first contact with English…


My first contact with English was at school when I was in the 5th degree (quinta série). It was amazing at first but afterwards I found out that the teacher had a very bad pronunciation and she did not have a college degree, she only had a CAT = Certificado de Avaliação de Títulos. But anyway at least I found it fantastic at first. In my first English class I learned how to say the names of the animals in English and I had to repeat those names several time.







When I arrived at home that day I was so happy and so proud of me because I thought I could speak English and I also thought I had become an important person. On that day I waited very anxiously for my mother to arrive from work and to tell her the good news. At dinnertime while she was preparing a soup I told her that I had had my first English class and that it had been very difficult but I liked it very much and I asked her for some help with my first English Class. You cannot imagine how proud of myself I was because I was learning English at school. I was so careful with my English material and I paid a lot of attention to all my classes. When I found out that the teacher was not a good English professional I kind of lost my interest about the English language because I realized that I could not learn things in a wrong way. I remember that she taught me how to say URSO in English as Cerveja. She would ask us to repeat:     _ Let’s say URSO in English! How do you say URSO in English? I say /bir/ = (beer). C’mon let’s repeat /bir/.

As the time went on I completely lost my interest about the English language because the teacher was really bad. We complained to the school’s principal but nothing happened and unfortunately I could not attend a private English school. When I went to high school the situation changed a little.


English at High School


At High School English became a strong necessity because it was important for the entrance exams and for my professional career as well. Since I did not have a good English teacher I started to study by myself. I wanted to speak that language and I wanted to understand what the people from the movies said. I was very difficult to study by myself. First I tried to learn the phonetic symbols so that I would pronounce the words correctly and after I tried to understand words in context. I started to notice that little by little I could understand what people said in the movies. When I started my SEGUNDO ANO DO SEGUNDO GRAU the school took a decision and changed the English teacher. The new teacher was very nice. He was an English teacher and also one interpreter. His pronunciation was so good and he gave me a lot of hints on how to improve mine. I can still remember his name: Wanderley. He was a very thin guy and very timid but he was one excellent and very patient teacher. It was difficult for him to teacher my group because everyone knew nothing. The former teacher hasn’t taught us anything. Only the students who took a private English course could follow his classes. He helped me a lot since he noticed my interest about English. I remember that I bought a lot of English course at the newsstand and he helped me with the problems I had. In the same year most of my girl classmates traveled to Walt Disney World because they wanted to travel instead of having a 15th birthday party and they came back with a lot of interesting stuff and news.



How English came into my life definitely…


I wanted so much to go to Disney but I did not have money for such big enterprise. But on the same year we had presidential elections and my mother got a promotion at work. FHC changed the currency and it became easier for Brazilian people to buy dollars to travel abroad. I was 16 years old and I did not have a 15th birthday party. My mother really noticed that I wanted to go to Disney because I would watch my classmates’ videocassettes a lot of times consecutively. She decided that she would make a strong effort and pay me a trip to Disney.



She went to several different travel agents and looked for the best price.  Finally she found a 13 day-trip to Disney with a good price. She divided the price into 12 installments. I traveled with Tia Eliane.



Tia Eliane



Before I traveled to the United States I practiced a lot of sentences but they were not useful to me. Whenever I tried to say one of my sentences people would answer and I would understand nothing. It was a complete disaster!!! I could understand NOTHING. Most of the people who traveled with me, specially the girls knew how to speak the language at least a little and I was the only one who did not have the ability. I was kind of jealous.




But the trip was amazing and it opened my horizons to the world. Above there is a picture with my hotel’s location.




When I returned to Brazil I brought a lot of magazines from the United States and I started to study the vocabulary from the magazines. My mother decided to ask for my grandmother’s help (my father’s mother) and ask her to pay one English course for me. My grandmother said she would pay for the course and my mother enrolled me at Number One.


Number One


.: Contagem

Rua Itália, 16 
Bairro Eldorado
CEP: 32340-100 - MG  
Tel/Fax: (31) 3391-7492 - (31) 3391-7490   


I can remember my first English class as if it was today. I liked it so much and the teacher was really good. During the class someone knocked at my classroom’s door and asked my teacher for a chair in English and I found that very nice and I thought:   _ I want to speak like them!!!


 Here goes my first English class:


I can still remember it and all the characters of the lesson.

I took a lot of notes during the class and I participated of the class a lot. It was in 1997. When I arrived at home I thought:         _ Oh My God!!! I want to be an English teacher. So I decided to take the entrance exams and take LANGUAGES AND LITERATURE.


I passed the entrance exams at UFMG.


Brasão da UFMG



I continued to study English at Number One because that course would be the base for my Language and Literature graduation course. The funny thing was that some times my teachers at Number One would make mistakes or would not know the answers for some things and I would correct them and answer the questions because by the time I was taking a lot of subject in English at FALE and I knew a great amount of things.


In the beginning of my graduation course I did not like it a lot because I had to take CICLO BÁSICO at FAFICH and I took subjects that I was not interested at all and the worst thing was that the University went on a strike when I was taking my first term. During the period the University was on strike a friend of mine who knew that I liked English a lot invited me to work in an English school. I was scared at first because I did not know if I was going to be able to handle it but I decided to try anyway especially because I needed money.














Professional career


I went to the school and took the PLACEMENT TEST. My result on the placement test was not very satisfactory but I could already expect that because I was just taking my second semester at English school but I did well on my interview. Since the school really needed someone to work and since I was taking a graduation course on Languages the coordinator decided to give me a chance and hired me.


It was very difficult at the beginning because I did not know what to do and they did not train me. They simply told me to do whatever would please the students because it was already the end of the term and a lot of students needed help and they would not have time to train me. They would postpone it for the next term.


I remember my first classes were a disaster but at least the students liked it. I started to become more confident. In the same year I was given a trip to New York by Number One English school because I was the best student of the year.




I did not visit only New York. I also visited Washington and I made a lot of friends.




Visiting planet Hollywood in NY



Having dinner in a very luxurious boat





After three years working as a trainee the director of the school invited me to be a teacher. I stated having one class and the experience as a teacher was so good that in the next semester I had 12 classes. I still work at this school and I think I am going to retire there.


Best experience ever

But the greatest experience of my life came last year. I was under depression and having some emotional problems. I could not concentrate on anything and I decided to go abroad but the problem was money. So I decided to take a work and travel program at Disney World. The selection was very difficult but I passed and on November 29th 2004 I arrived in Orlando for the greatest experience of my whole life.





I lived with three Americans girls and it was good for me because I practiced my English a lot but I must confess that it took me three weeks to start to speak up. My roomies used to say that my English was good but too formal because I did not use many slangs. My experience at Disney was really rich. I will never forget it. I had a lot of contact with people and I made friends from all over the world.






I came back to Brazil more mature and more confident about my English.


Plans for the future


I am going to graduate this term and I intend to continue my studies about the English Language Learning and especially Language Transfer, which is a subject that really calls my attention. I also intend to take CEI – Curso de specialização em Inglês at Faculdade de Letras da UFMG.


 In July 2006 my boyfriend and I are going to spend 3 months taking an English course in Australia. I am my boyfriend’s teacher now. I want to improve myself a lot because I think teaching is the greatest responsibility in life.




EFL Club





What a wonderful world!