- How
this book was made
- My
university students in 1996,
1997 and 2004
wrote Language Learning Histories (LLHs) concerning their English
learning from when they began, usually around junior high school,
through to the present. Most are English majors, but a few are
French, Chinese, or Spanish majors.
- Most
students tend to incorrectly assume (as you will read in their
histories) that other students have ALL been abroad and
are fluent. Not so.
- The
assignment was simply to tell a story about their learning of
English. They were guided somewhat by a series of questions that
I gave them (see the handout above).
After reading many them I realized they would be excellent material
for other students to read, both for their language learning and
their motivation. Teachers and students can read them and learn
a lot from them. Many teachers are using them to stimulate discussion
of language learning strategies and to motivate students. Some
of my university students are using them also in their private
teaching (katei kyooshi) to show students what is possible.
- Original
Instructions HANDOUT (reduced)
- My
Language Learning History
- Write
a paper about your language learning history from when you
began learning English to the present. Length: 3 pages double
spaced (about 750 words). If you like you can send it via
e-mail. Some questions you may want to answer in your story:
- ·
did you learn English in JHS and HS?
- ·
positive and negative experiences did you have and what did
you learn from them?
- ·
were you expecting before you came to the university?
- ·
were you surprised about in your university classes?
- ·
have you changed your ways of language learning since coming
to the university?
- ·
are the things that you found especially helpful?
- ·
are the areas that you still want to improve in?
- ·
do you think your next three years will be?
- ·
are your language learning plans and goals after graduation?
- ·
advice would you give to next year's first year students?
- Have
your paper proof read and signed by two other classmates.
Write the following at the end of your paper for their signatures:*I
have proofread and given suggestions about this paper.
- Signed