Name: Michifumi Nokura    
Year: 1996                         
     The only thing that I did in JHS and HS was memorize English words and idioms as much as possible. But I did not do it to get a good mark in the tests. This was the big difference from others, I think. I wanted to speak English with my foreign friends. And this is one of the reasons I decided to come to university.
     What I was expecting before I came to the university was completely different from the classes I had for one year. I thought that I must memorize much more difficult vocabulary to master English. In the first class, I noticed my big misunderstanding. I found that the reason why I could not speak English well is the lack of knowledge of usage of words. But when I was a junior high or high school student, I was thinking I must learn much vocabulary.
     When I noticed the fact, I made big progress. What I must do is learn how to use English. If I learn it, I will be able to speak English well. But at the same time, my distress began. I was wondering how to keep studying from that time. This problem was solved all of sudden. It was self-talk. It brought me a great change of English learning. I had never thought of such a useful way. I can do it anytime, anywhere if I wish.
     It was not easy for me to do at first. So I developed my own way. At the beginning of doing self-talk, I ask myself what I should do today. It's an easy question. I have always some answers. In the beginning of the first semester, I repeated this question and answered over and over again. The progress I made those days was the largest one in my language learning history. And it is now the basis of my English learning. I still depend on this way and maybe I spend the most of my time learning this way.
     What I was surprised at was Juggling. I could not understand what I had to learn through it. We often said, "Why Juggling? What for?" These words explained my surprise well. I have another thing at which I was surprised: the book Language Hungry  . I was surprised at not the ways of learning, of course they changed my way of English learning, but the ways of controlling my own mind. I understood why we did Juggling by reading this textbook. And I could understand a little about the differences between Japanese and Americans.
     I learned it is needless to be ashamed of mistakes through this textbook. I can strongly agree with it. It is the result of trying and it shall help us in the next challenge. So, I tried to take action without fearing mistakes. However I fear mistakes unconsciously. I want to overcome this some day. But I got the ability to control my mind. And my way of thinking was changed dramatically. Now it composes what I am. I would not exist in the same way without Language Hungry.
  I think changing a partner every week was especially helpful. I was able to learn much vocabulary from many partners. Above all, it was fun to talk with many partners. I enjoyed talking with them. It helped me to learn English. To tell the truth, we rarely talk about the day's or week's topics which are assigned. We talk about them at first. But we then chat during the class. I believe it was not meaningless. It also helped me to learn English. Therefore they were not bad partners. We spoke English anyway.
     The bad partners I regarded were those who did not prepare for the classes. They did not have their opinions and spent precious time on thinking. I did not like those partners. I avoided them.
     E-mail was also very helpful. I learned not only vocabulary but also their culture. I wanted to ask much more but, according to them, they were able to use computers only once a week. And they must pay a high fee to use them and keep e-mail address. It was a pity. I was looking forward to getting their mail. It was a good opportunity to ask foreign students about their culture. If I have enough time, I want to find other foreign mail friends. In addition, it is also fun to tell them about Japanese culture. The difficulty to explain our culture allowed me to look back on our culture again.
     What I want to improve for the next three years is my speaking, listening, and writing abilities. To make short, my English is not good enough. I can manage to transmit what I am thinking in English. But it is not good enough yet. I am not satisfied with my English. This is the reason I keep learning English.
     I have another plan of language learning. I want to study abroad. I know I can improve my English in Japan. But I want to see the other countries with my eyes. I want to feel other cultures. So I want to study abroad. But unfortunately, I must make a great decision. To study abroad, I have two choices, I will quit the club activity or I will graduate in five years. I want to join the club activity till the end of the junior year. So I cannot study abroad till then. And it will be too late to find a job if I study abroad when I am senior. I am wondering now.
     I have another thing to mention. It is the action log. It was great homework, for I was able to improve speaking ability as well as writing ability. It is no wonder that I improved my writing ability through it. Why was I able to improve speaking ability? I wrote the action log like speaking. I mean I wrote it as quickly as possible. And I used spoken English mainly. It sometimes did not make sense as a sentence, or not as good as writing. Still I think it is OK. What I aimed for was to write quickly and to write a lot. I think I succeeded. So I say the action log was great homework indeed. But it was troublesome sometimes. When I was busy, I hated it. I know I can do less when I am busy. And another day, when I had much time, I could make up for it. As the winter was becoming nearer, I could not find any free time. I wanted to spend much more time on it.
     Finally, I have some advice to give to next year's first year students. One year is a long time and enough time to improve your English. But time goes by rapidly. It depends on you if you make use of time. Remember this; What you are doing now decides your future. You are responsible for what you are doing now. This is the every thing I have learned this year. It will help me to learn English from now on.