Name: Sahomi Toyoda
Year: 2004
When I was a three or four year-old girl I went to kids English club. There, I learned English songs with dance, words of animals, and so on. I enjoyed singing English songs, saying the words of animal pictures. I think it was good to lay the foundation of English study. And then I entered elementary school and I didn’t study English. But when I was in sixth grade, two girls who came from Australia stayed in my home for about a week as a home stay student. Although I couldn’t speak English as well as my little sister and brother, we played with them. I felt just fun at that time but now I think it’s strange. It was amazing we could communicate without common language. Sometimes we burst out laughing when one Australian girl imitated my brother’s saying like “Honkine- , honkine-,” it means he was serious. It was an important experience for my English learning.
In JHS I began to study English and the first step was reading. At the same time, I had an oral communication class. The teacher was from Ireland. The class was kind of fun but almost all students took negative attitude for the class, so the teacher sometimes felt bad. In my second year in HS, I went to Vancouver in Canada for about a month. There, I home stayed and went to a language school. Vancouver was a pretty place, and all the people who I met were very kind. I had a good experience. I couldn’t speak English at that time, and I suffered bitter disappointment. When I couldn’t make a sentence I just connected words. So I decided to study English hard so as to become a good English speaker. From that time, I have studied English really hard especially when I studied for the entrance exams of university. All I did every day was study English that year.
I expected that universities had a lot of classes taught by native English speakers. When I entered this university I was very surprised that there are so many required subjects. Because they contain many subjects that I’m not interested in. And I couldn’t take subjects that I wanted to. I was very disappointed. But now in the second year, I got to take subjects that I want to take so I enjoy studying here. In the way of my daily English study, I like dancing so I always choose songs that I dance with. I listen to foreign music so much like hip-hop, R&B, REGGEE music, and I remember the lyrics. Because when I compose the choreo- graphy of my team, I always get a hint from the meaning of the lyrics. So remembering the lyrics is very useful. It’s not like studying. I can learn the pronunciation of the words, too. I’m going to study in the United States next year for a year. I’m eager to do that. I’m interested in Communication and Welfare. The United States is a multiracial nation and their welfare system has developed. So I think I could study them better if I go there.