Name: Rie Kubo
Year: 1997
     When I entered elementary school, there was an English class once a week and foreign teachers taught us English. I also began to go to English school for schoolchildren near my house. I learned English once a week, too. This English school was very fun. We watched many videos, singing songs, and played games. Remembering the English words or assorting the English cards was interesting. Everything about English was fresh and novel for me. I was looking forward to going to school every week and I came to like English.
     In JHS, I began to learn English grammar, I had Reading class and grammar class like other JHS student. Because I had studied English a little, the lesson was relatively easy to understand for me. And I thought I wanted to study English more, especially English conversation. When I was in the second year of JHS, I had an OC class once a week. But in class, the teacher spoke English all the time but only  talked to himself. So nobody understood the class at all and it was not interesting. Though I tried to understand what he said, I couldn't do it. So still more, I wanted to learn English conversation and wanted to speak English.
     In the middle of JHS, I began to go to an English conversation school. Teachers were not always foreigners. But they were close to our age and amiable. They also spoke English fluently. Some classmates spoke English well, too. I was given a good stimulus by them and I wanted to approach them even if just a little. I went there till the end of JHS.
     Now, thinking of the classes in HS, it was not interesting. We only sat and listened to the teacher's explanation and we translated English into Japanese. Everyday was  repetition. We only studied for the entrance examinations.
     But in the second year of HS, a new foreign teacher came to my school. He was Canadian and a very cheerful person. He gave us lessons with pleasure to arouse our interest. He told us many stories in English and invited us to his house. Of course we talked in English! Listening to a whole story in English made my heart beat fast. But it was very interesting and promoted my desire to learn English more.
     When I was a third year student in HS, I thought I wanted to study English more and more from various angles. And I decided to enter Nanzan university absolutely.
     This April, I was very perplexed at the differences between HS and university. At first, I was very surprised that many students went abroad and spoke English very fluently. I was so shocked at my poor English. I never spoke English during class when I was a HS student. So speaking English required much courage. I could only utter a word and I was afraid of making mistakes at first. I felt anxious about whether or not I could catch up with my classmates. But my English is getting better.
     I feel I am in a fortunate environment. I have OC classes three times a week. And thanks to L.L tapes, my listening ability has improved little by little. In this university, there are many foreigners and role models. My classmates are diligent to be good English speakers. Their eager attitude makes me want to improve more.
     In OC class, we get interesting lessons with various ways to improve our English. At first, I didn't understand how they could have good influences on us. But now, I can realize that they are effective ways to improve my ability. Everyday's homework are not easy for me, it takes me a long time. But I will do them as much as possible.
     Finally, I would like to give some advice to next year's students. Try your best. Don't compare yourself to others. If you study hard at your pace, you will surely improve.