Name: Yoko Kinoshita
Year: 1997
     I have great English experiences. When I was a second grade student in elementary school, a foreign woman visited my school. While I was taking a class, she came in and observed our class. I became very nervous, because a stranger, not Japanese, entered suddenly. I could no longer concentrate on the class. Moreover, I was sitting in the back row and just in front of her then. So I was so uneasy. At the moment, I had dropped my eraser. The woman picked it up and gave it to me. I didn’t know what to say, so I could not say anything. It was the first time that I had contact with foreigners. Furthermore, the same year, I received a letter on Christmas from Norway. It was from Santa Clause, because I sent a letter to him (I wrote it  in Japanese). When I opened the envelope, I was shocked. It was written in English entirely. Of course, I could not understand. Through these experiences, I came to want to know English.
     English learning started when I entered JHS. At first, I could not count even from one to ten in English, so I hesitated to study it. One day, our English teacher made us speak one by one. I was tense, and I could not speak well. But she praised my cheerfulness. Then, I came to like English, and I tried to get good marks on the tests. I wanted my teacher to praise me. At the same time, I had a good friend. She also liked English and got better marks than me every time. She was positive to English,  so she spoke it well. I wanted to be like her, but even now, I can not catch up with her. She is my good rival and goal forever.
     After entering HS, I kept studying English. I remembered many words and learned about complicated grammar for the regular tests and university. The better my marks were on the tests, the bigger my pressure toward English became. Sometimes, I wanted to quit studying, but I did not have the courage to do so. So I studied hard. Anyway, I wanted to talk with foreigners and read nice English letters fluently. And at last, I could be a NANZAN student.
     My English learning at Nanzan started with despair. Every class is quite different from classes in JHS or HS. Especially, LL class and OC class confused me. I had seldom experienced listening, and talking with native English teachers. Moreover, most classmates spoke English very well. I became so nervous. "I can't, I can't catch up with them..."  But I was surprised to notice one change after few months. My worrying and hesitation disappeared. I got used to class, and I had a lot of fun. It is wonderful thing. I am studying with pleasure! 
     I think videoday is good for learning. I can talk with many friends and learn many expressions from them. In addition, my attitude became more positive. I like to write in my Action Log. In April, my writing was very short, but gradually it became longer. It is good for writing. Also, E-mail friends helped me a lot. I learn many expressions and vocabulary from their mail, and above all, I can communicate with foreigners through computers, it is fantastic!   With only LL class and OC class, I can develop a lot of English ability.
     In the next three years, I want to go abroad. I have never been abroad, so I want to touch different cultures not only American but also other countries. And there, I will try to make many friends.
     Finally, I would like to advise next year's freshman. You will probably become nervous at first, because you feel a gap between studying in Nanzan and in JHS and HS. But what you have done until now is not wrong at all. Owing to your great efforts, you will study English with fun from now on. If you continue to like English and try, you can do anything. Don't be afraid of making mistakes. I also survived one year, so take it easy. When you feel embarrassed, your teacher will always encourage you. He will tell you, "You can relax, you can do it!"  I could relax thanks to him. So you can also relax. Enjoy studying English!