Name: Yoko Kagehisa
Year: 1997
     When I was in sixth grade, I began to learn English in a private school near my house. We enjoyed playing English card games and singing English songs. In addition, I remembered some easy expressions which we used in daily life. Although I could not write English, I did not mind at all.
     After I entered JHS, I learned English grammar and writing at school. Since my private school teacher taught me, I had no problem with English at school. In this way, I had quite a good impression toward English until entering HS.
     However, this impression changed entirely in the first English class at HS. I had to learn complex grammar and a huge number of words which were never used in daily life. It was the first time that I studied English unwillingly. However, I studied it hard because I wanted to major in it at university.
     After that, when I was in my second year, I had an unforgettable experience. My English private school teacher gave me an opportunity to talk with one of her American friends. As I had always practiced speaking English at her private school, I thought I would be able to communicate with him easily. However, it was quite wrong. Actually, I could not catch his English. I could not say what I wanted to say. So, I became negative. After that, I lost confidence in myself completely. From that day, I had become afraid of talking with foreigners though I wanted to be able to speak English.
     Therefore, when I entered Nanzan University, I was really afraid of meeting native teachers. However, this fear which I had had for more than one year vanished entirely in the first OC class. In that class, the teacher said, "Don't be afraid of making mistakes!" to us. The moment I heard it, I noticed that I had been afraid my poor English would be exposed. It is natural for us not to speak English fluently at first. If we are afraid of failure, we can't do anything. So I decided to learn English positively in four years. I remember that after making up my mind, I asked the teacher a question in poor English in that class.
     In OC class, I have learned many strategies to improve my English. Especially, three strategies are very useful for me. They are shadowing, imitating, and smiling. I can understand what a speaker says easily by shadowing. It was difficult to shadow at first, but I got used to doing it soon. Now, I shadow unconsciously! Next, I can learn new English expressions by imitating teachers or classmates. They are my textbook. Then, smiling is the most important strategy, I think. It makes conversation lively. It makes both myself and others happy. Therefore, I always bear smiling in mind when I speak English.
     Now, I am planning to study abroad. Its purpose is, of course improving my English skill, learning foreign culture, and to become independent.
      Finally, I advise next year's first year students not to be afraid of making mistakes. I'm sure mistakes will make your English improve. And, keep smiling!!