Name: Natsumi Hoshino
Year: 2004
I started learning English when I was an elementary school student, a 12 year-old girl. I have already learned English for about 8 years. I used English textbooks in my JHS and SHS, and my teacher taught us English grammar in our classes. We took classes in English about four times per week. Lessons were mainly to read a textbook and translate it into Japanese. Then we sometimes practiced writing English compositions. Teachers devised each of these lessons.
Some teachers used music. We listened to music and caught the words of the song. Others had us debate about various topics in English. Once, I had a positive experience debating. In our class, we discussed topics which our teacher chose, for example, whether students should have a school uniform or not, and whether movies should be seen in the movie theater or be watched on video. We were divided into two groups to consider these topics, prepared a speech, to discuss, and to challenge our opponents. It was very difficult for me because during the discussion, we had to consider the words to criticize our opponent’s opinion. Still I was able to learn.
English was difficult for me, but I liked to study English in those days, so when I became a senior in high school, I thought that I wanted to enter a language college. Therefore, I studied English hard, and I was able to pass the exam of Dokkyo University in 2003, and belong to the Department of Language Culture. I was expecting to improve my English skill and master English before I came to the university. And I looked forward to attending English classes.
The actual lessons differed from my expectations in some degree. I was thinking that the center of English lessons at the university was speaking. However, my English class was mainly reading when I was a freshman. Of course, reading skill is also important, but I was bored with that lesson.
I became a sophomore on April, 2004. And I enrolled for Exploring Learning which belongs to the Department of English. I belong to the Department of Language Culture, so I could not enroll for classes that belong to the other Department last year. Therefore, I was excited at the new class, and the class did not disappoint my expectation. Actually, this class was very hard for me for the first time because we had to speak in all English in this class. However, it is very nice. Now I can enjoy lessons every time. In every lesson, we talk with classmates about various topics.
In addition, we make a recording of our conversations on video and look for mistakes of own conversation. These challenges are very useful for me. Talking with others helps me improve my English skill because I can enrich my vocabulary and know new expressions through the conversations. And checking my conversation on video makes me notice where my English is poor. I am very shy, so I did not want to talk with a stranger in English because I feared to make a mistake. However, my classmates and teacher taught me many things, for example, the pleasantness of talking in English, the importance of having a positive attitude, and the courage to be undaunted by mistakes in English.
I am still tense very much, when I talk with others, but now I can relax and enjoy talking in English through my classmates’ help. I am very happy. This class is wonderful!!
I want to improve speaking and listening. One of my classmates suggested to me that it is good to listen to news on television or watch family situation comedies. It is a very good idea because I can listen to true English, and information on focused topics.
Now I am having a good time everyday and the English lesson is one of my most enjoyable pleasures. Although I sometimes do not understand what my people say, I work hard to understand. 
I want to become a fluent speaker of English, so my language-learning plan is to challenge myself to speak more and better. And I want to go abroad, so I study English for that. I have been to Hawaii with my family when I was 8 years old. There were a lot of Japanese tourists around me, so I had no opportunity to touch English, of course I could not speak in English. Now I am studying English at Dokkyo University, and I can speak in English better than I did, so I want to try to study abroad. I want to have more opportunity to talk with others in English.
My advice to other students is to have a positive attitude, and not to fear talking with others in English. It is very important. And I want everyone to enjoy talking in English.