Name: Sanae Ogiso
Year: 2004
    I have been studying English for almost nine years. And now, I am student of English too. I would like to narrate my history of learning English in this essay.
I knew the world of English in my fourth year of elementary school. Soon, I became interested in English, and I took English lessons. When I think back on those days, the thing I remember is simply a pleasant memory. When I started studing English in JHS, I liked English because of my happy earlier memory.
I have loved English since my first contact with it. When I was in a difficult situation, my English teacher in those days solved my problems little by little privately. She is my former teacher, and I keep in touch with her even now.
I was helped also by my father. When I was a first-year student of JHS, I could not understand a topic of the sequence of tenses. My father who is good at English taught me its structure after work everyday. If I hadn’t been saved by my father, I am afraid, I wouldn’t have come to like English, and wouldn’t have improved during JHS and HS, and I wouldn’t have entered this university. Therefore, I am thankful to my father for his teaching.
It is often said that JHS and HS English study is monotonous. Most students who didn’t enter an English department in university say it was boring. However, I didn’t think so. I really enjoyed it, even if the way of studying English was boring. The reason is simply, I am an English fan. However, I, too, didn’t feel satisfaction of English teaching in JHS and HS. And I wanted more and more opportunities to use practical English like having a conversation with native speakers of English, and so on. This happen rarely in JHS or HS.
Consequently, I applied for admission to Dokkyo University seeking more living English. But, contrary to my expectations, lessons of this university remained the same during my first and second years of college days. We students couldn’t take the lessons we wanted, because of a system of drawing lots. I am not pleased with this organization of this university even now. However, I could fortunately take classes I hoped for this year. Therefore, I make an effort to study English as if I were a freshman.
The thing that I found especially helpful is having more and more opportunities of using English. This is seemingly simple thing; however, I consider it is the most important thing of all. English is a language and language is indispensable to everyday life like Japanese. In daily life, we happen to know new Japanese vocabularies and idioms by using it with others, reading newspapers, and so on. There are lots of words we don’t recognize now even in Japanese. Thus, students in the English department should use English anywhere at any time. By doing this, we would get used to using it and we would acquire more knowledge than now as a logical consequence. I consider like this, and I am trying it indeed!
By the way, I want to improve my pronunciation. At first, I didn’t pay any attention to things like the difference between “r” and “l” and so on. Because of that, I am not good at speaking English even now. I am also bad at listening, too. These are my weak points and I would like to tackle them strongly.
I love studying English as I said above. I have a mind to make efforts to make progress in English even after graduation from Dokkyo University.