Name: Azue Seki 
Year: 2004
I have studied English for about seven years. I have learned English only in classes, but English has been my favorite subject.
I started to learn English when I was a JHS student. Before entering JHS, I hardly came in touch with English. Therefore, English classes were fresh and interesting to me. The teachers gave me careful explanations of basic English grammar with ease and I really enjoyed studying English. Especially, one of them, my second-year English teacher, impressed and attracted me. He encouraged us with a lot of praise. When someone in my class got a good score of examination, or read without faltering, he exaggeratedly informed us of the good behaviors and spoke well of them in front of us. He tried to find our good points or improvement and praised us whenever he discovered good things. I liked his way and was very glad every time he praised me.
After I entered high school, I was quite surprised because many classmates did not like English. People who hate English said, "I disliked my English teacher of JHS" or "English is too difficult for me.” I could not understand them because I had good English teachers and liked English very much. I felt pity for my friends who disliked English. If the teachers had taught English by easy, understandable ways to them, they would have liked English. That was why, I had a dream of becoming an English teacher of JHS since then. I thought that I wanted to be like my second-grade English teacher in JHS
Since coming to the university, I have been studying English harder to be a great English speaker in four years at university. I watch educational programs of English conversation on TV four times a week, and work on reading through and summarizing grammar books. Also, I took part in a seminar of English conversation and go to a chat room in university as much as possible. I have become an aggressive learner of English.
The chat room in the university is a good place to practice speaking and listening English. Therefore, I recommend next year's first-year students to go to the chat room as soon as you enter the university.
Through kinds of English classes, I found it helpful not to be afraid of making mistakes. If you do not try to use English aggressively because of hesitation, you waste chances to use English and to learn. That is really pity! Many people know that and believe that to be a good way. But it is very difficult to do so. I have not been able to overcome the fear of making mistakes yet. I am afraid to make even small ones. That is a problem that I would like to get over.
Now, I study various areas of English especially syntax, pragmatics, phonetics, phonemics, and so on. I am sure that they give me many hints to find my own way of teaching. I want to teach English making it understandable and interesting for listeners, and then, I would also like students to like English. I do my best in university to be a good teacher, and I think I will go to graduate school just after graduating university or while working as a part-time teacher for several years. I want what is best for my students in the future. Of course, after I become a teacher, I am going to keep learning English and find better methods to teach.