Computer LiteracyMultimedia Narrative

Pro. Vera Menezes

Student: Tatiana Gomes Almeida


Once Upon a Time...



n a  city called Nova Lima born a little girl. It was a rainy day in late December. This girl had a dream, to be a great ballerina.

When she was six years old, her family moved to a very small town, Ladainha . Unfortunately, in that town there was not ballet classes, so she could not go ahead with her dream. At that time, she had no interest in English or any other language. As that city was not that developed, the only place she had access to it was at school. But teachers had not a very good English.

She lived there for six years. Then she went back to Nova Lima. The first thing she did was to attend ballet classes.                         

Her interest for English started when she and a friend became fans of band called Spice Girls. The girls watched MTV during the whole  day in order to see their idols’ video clips.                                                                                             

Besides watching TV, they listened to the album                             all the time. You cannot imagine how terrible  it was to hear they singing!!! Not for their voices, but for their English…It was very bad!  Actually “Spice Girls” was a kind of rehearsal of what would come later.


One day, while watching a MTV show, our protagonist and her friend saw a video from an unknown band. It was love first site. They did not even know the name of the song neither the name of the band, and then started the search for information. But how they would find it? They had no access to internet and the band was not very famous yet. One month later, while  they were watching another TV show called                           

suddenly, Xuxa announced a video clip, MMMBOP. And when they saw it, they could not believe. “Wow! It’s the band!!!”

From this day on, the girls started looking for everything related to that band, Hanson. It was also at this time that in our protagonist started attending to English classes because she wanted to know what the three guys from  Tulsa were saying.

Tatiana really loved the English classes, it was a way to know not only about the language but also about the culture. She knew that the learning process was slower than she wanted but she kept doing her best to improve her skills.  The first opportunity she had to proof her knowledge was in the first time her favorite band came to Brazil. She was watching an alive interview and she was understanding what they were saying. It was amazing!!!

Our heroine passed through a big dilemma in her life: what career she  would choose.  So many options, but a few ones she liked. She looked at the list of the courses UFMG offered without knowing what to do. Then she saw, Letters, and though: “Ok, I like English, Letters is a good option!” so that is how she entered at .

There she had the opportunity to improve her English even more by making disciplines such as Phonology, Syntax, Oral Skills, The History of English, among others.

 Now she is graduating and became an English teacher .  She teaches adults and children. Although it is not a money making profession  , it is very rewarding to see people that did not know anything in a foreign language recognizing sounds and words.

She knows that there are many more to better in her English. Some day she intends to go abroad to do it. For a while she keeps studying and listening to music, specially to her favorite band. Actually, is through it that Tatiana keeps in touch with English. As she is part of a community of fans provided by the band, in which they have many discussions on forums and because of this she has friends from the whole world. Their conversations are in English, obviously!

People say that being fan of a band is waste of time, but as you could see, it served as a motivation to Tatiana to learn a foreign language.

