Nome: Paula (pseudônimo)
Idade: 27 anos
Tempo de estudo da língua: 14 anos
Narrativa coletada por Vanessa Cristiane Rodrigues Bohn em setembro de 2005


I have been studying English for about fourteen years, I mean; I started when I was about fourteen years old and it was at school. Actually it was before that because I started study English, my first contact was when I was a kid at school. So I had very nice teachers I think it was very important for my choice as a teacher too. So I started when I was about eleven years old at school but I just had classes at school so which is had about two hours a week. We didn’t have any kind of conversation activities. But then, when I was about fourteen or thirteen years old I’m not sure. I decided to have some specific classes .In the beginning it was at CENEX actually. It was my first experience in a kind of private school. And I did like it. It was a very nice experience and my teachers were very nice people and I liked my classmates too. And I thinkthe place is a very important role because you like the environment so you get on well with the people, the teachers, the classmates so I think it’s really important.
And then, when I finished my course at CENEX, I think it took about three years there. I’m not sure. Then I wanted to continuous to study English so I decided to start studying at YAZIGI. And then I could finish my course, and it was very nice because I could take part on a competition to get a scholarship to study in New York for a month. So I got this scholarship and I could travel for free. So it was an amazing experience there in the United States. And then I traveled to United States when I was already studying Letras at the UFMG. Well in the beginning I didn’t like the course very much but as I do love English so I decided to continuous the course. And when I started to study the Literature courses I was more involved with English so I was felling really happy about my course.
And then, when I graduated I got a scholarship too from the UFMG and I could travel to England, so it was a great experience. I could spend about six months there, studying at Nottingham University. And also, let me see. I started working as an English teacher when I was about eighteen years old. First I had some private students at home and then I started teaching at CENEX, because I had already had some experience there as a student. Then I worked at CENEX for about three years and a half or something and after CENEX I started working at Inglês & CIA as a monitor. It was kind of private classes too just helping students with their homework or their doubts, conversations classes. This kind of thing. And then after these private classes here at Inglês & CIA, I started working as a teacher. So I had my own groups. I was responsible for more students and classrooms.
I have been enjoying the experience very much because I really like teaching and I think in general I am not very patient but I am in the classrooms and I think it really matters. Well I don’t intend to stop teaching; I mean it’s very nice because you are in content with language, and you can practice at the same time and you can teach what you know and you can learn more, so that’s about it. That’s my learning experience. Learning and teaching experience.