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Narrativas coletadas pelo grupo ALMS na Finlândia

Narratives collected by the ALMS team in Finland


14. Tatu, Photography / University of Art & Design Helsinki
Kaleidoscope reflection

I have to focus more when i speak and concentrate on words which i use. Because usually i just say what comes to my mouth randomly and then i try to compose sentences without thinking too much. You know what i am saying? Sometimes i speak really fluently, but it don’t have a proper message in it.
I can speak some words and write a bit too. In listening i am quite bad sometimes. Maybe i need to focus more. I want to improve my overall skills in english. I am not too academic in any area...
I like to travel and speak and meet with other people. It is easy to me to speak dis and dat with foreigners on the street, i don’t why. Maybe because there is no bad mistakes when people you talk with know you are visitor (and lost) :) My motivation is good. I like english.
I have a visual, auditorical, movementical and verbal style of learning in my opinion. I have learned english the best way by travelling. Accuracy and grammar are things which i lack of.
Learning background:
I have always enjoyed learning new and old languages, but teachers in lower schools have been not so good for me. Or maybe i was a bit problem child. But now it is first time different learning background with ALMS. Suits me very well!