Kadja Gouveia do Nascimento
My first contact with English was
when I was studying the 4th grade at school. My friends and I got very
excited with the idea of to study a new language. But it finished very
fast, when I got a low grade in our first English test I got frustrated
with this experience. Then, I learned how to study for the tests and things
were getting better, although my teacher just touch us the verb to be.
Having already passed some years, I went to high school at the Lyceu Paraibano
and there I realized how much I had learned and how I liked English. The
best of everything was when I understood that although I had studied at
the school in Pilar (a small city where I live) and all my friends in
good schools of Joao Pessoa, I knew more than them. So, the most important
thing isn’t where you study or what kind of school you attend, the
main thing is your will power to do what you are doing.
It was because of university that I really began studying English. In
2000 I passed in PSS and started studying “Letras” at UEPB,
but in 2001 I gave up my course because I didn’t want to teach.
So, I took a test to study Tourism at UFPB, and there I paid a discipline
of exchange language and I had to take English, but at the moment class
started, and the teacher just spoke English all the time, I got scared
and gave up of this discipline.
Looking at this situation I decided to look for an English course where
I could learn how to speak English. After a few days, I began studying
English at CCAA. In that time another thing happened: I had a boyfriend
who also wanted to study English just to talk to me without anybody understands,
it’s a little bit funny, but he never began his course.
In my classroom at UFPB I had three friends who promised to start an English
course too. Until now, these friends of mine didn’t begin anything
and I’m sure they’ll regret it someday. Since 2001 I’m
studying at CCAA and I’ve been learning lots of things in English,
I can say my life really changed after this course because education can
change our lives, it expends our point of view, and our chance to do what
we want in the world.
In fact, my course helped me in many areas of my life, after this opportunity
I can read books and listen to music in English and it was a dream of
mine. Now I can say that I can reach my objectives and get a good job
in a globalized world.
I know that it’s not easy to spend a lot of time studying, but you
have to sacrifice some things in your life if you want to win in the end.
I’m already seeing the results of this course, I’ve been teaching
English in a public school of my city for six months and it’s been
so gratifying to help people learn new things and show them another side
they didn’t know.
During this short time I’ve been seeing some things that get me
worried and bad. In my classrooms there are some students who love to
study and wish they could finish the school, but their husband don’t
permit them to accomplish their dreams. It’s horrible to know that
in our days still exist people who think in this way.
Now I’m doing this course for teachers here at UFPB and I’m
loving to do it, it’s giving me a big opportunity of learn with
the experiences of my classmates and I expect to learn different ways
and forms to pass the subject for my students besides growing in my professional